Our public services are increasingly under attack and proposed job cuts in the NHS in Scotland could have a major impact on services and quality of patient care.
This one day conference is open to our members across the whole nursing family, including nurses, midwives, health visitors and healthcare assistants.
Together we will consider the key issues currently affecting members and offer an opportunity to discuss and debate the future for nursing in Scotland. £20.00 per delegate payable by your Branch. Contact Fiona Martin on 0141 342 2820 or f.martin @unison.co.uk
Nicola Sturgeon Cabinet Secretary for Health & Wellbeing
Keynote Speaker Ros Moore Chief Nurse for Scotland: 'My Ambitions for Nursing in Scotland'
Roger Thompson NMC Director of Standards and Registrations Increasing Public Protection: moving beyond the register
Gail Adams Head of Nursing for UNISON Launch of ‘Speaking Up and Speaking Out’ and ‘Raising and Escalating Concerns’
Mick McKeown, Principal Lecturer at University of Central Lancashire with Dave Mercer, Senior Lecturer at Liverpool University: Why nurses should not be in BNP Debate: Do we need as many registered nurses? Debate/discussion on skills mix and use of competences for Healthcare Support Workers.
Chair: Bridget Hunter, UNISON Lead Officer for Nursing in Scotland