Ahead of a debate on the Independent Budget Review in the Scottish Parliament this morning, UNISON Scotland has published a Briefing for MSPs on our website www.unison-scotland.org.uk
"The IBR report does not address the disastrous consequences of spending cuts for Scotland. Whilst some of the factual analysis is helpful, the solutions are largely a rather tired rehash of right wing economic orthodoxy. There is an alternative, and UNISON is calling on MSPs to champion a better way forward for Scotland."
Briefing: Key Points
- The financial projections, whilst disastrous for public services and the economy, actually understate the scale of cuts in local services.
- There is a credible economic alternative to cuts in public spending.
- The privatisation of Scottish Water would contribute nothing to the capital budget; result in higher bills to the charge payer and transfer control of Scotland’s greatest asset abroad.
- Outsourcing will cost more and break up integrated service delivery.
- Shared services will make, at best, only a long term contribution to cost savings.
- It is unfair to ask public service workers to pay for the failure of private corporate folly through pay cuts and reduced pensions.
- Universal provision is more efficient and contributes to a better performing more equal society.
- Cuts at this level and at this time in the economic cycle, will damage the economy and result in huge job cuts in the private as well as the public sector.
- There is a better way! At UNISON Public Works and the STUC Better Way websites.
See full briefing here: Briefing for MSPs