Wed 8 Sep 2010Two of the UK’s biggest public sector unions, UNISON and PCS, representing
1.7 million workers, have pledged to forge a powerful alliance to fight back
against the coalition government's cuts to jobs and services.
The unions are joining forces to campaign, co-ordinate and, where possible,
take action in unity and support of each other.
The government’s assault on the public sector threatens the livelihoods of
750,000 public sector workers. Job losses are already leading to drastic
cuts to services that people rely on especially the poor, the old and
The unions will campaign together to build support for a realistic
alternative to the cuts agenda. One that would protect and create jobs to
secure the economic recovery, tax the banks, big business and the
super-rich. They will also campaign for the non-renewal of Trident, to put
an end to wasteful spending on consultancy and agency staff, against
expensive privatisation, and to build a fairer society.
UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: "This is no paper policy, this
alliance has teeth. Working together we can build an effective fighting
machine to combat the cuts and protect vital jobs and services. And, when
the circumstances are right, we will take action together.
"Across the country UNISON will work with the PCS to promote an alternative
economic vision to the Con Dems’ monosyllabic cuts agenda. We want to build
a fairer future for all, not just a haven for the super-rich."
PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: "The millionaires in David
Cameron's cabinet insist that we are 'all in this together'. But low-paid
public sector workers and other vulnerable members of our society do not
share this view when they can see the government's plans seek to punish them
for the mistakes of bankers and financial speculators.
"Our alliance with UNISON is a crucial first step towards building the kind
of united opposition that will be needed to oppose the government's spending
cuts that will tear communities apart and destroy the public services we all
rely on. PCS is committed to an alternative programme of economic growth,
collecting the £120 billion in taxes avoided, uncollected and evaded each
year, creating jobs, curbing the use of civil service consultants and
reducing waste.”
The unions are setting up a national liaison group to promote joint activity
and co-ordinate a national campaign together. The group will work with the
TUC and co-ordinate public sector alliances across central and local
To forge the partnership further PCS and UNISON are organising a There is an
alternative event with the aim of bringing together trade unionists,
politicians, academics, voluntary and community groups.
Across regions the unions will twin officers and organisers, developing
regional campaign teams, regional events and roadshows building on links
with voluntary groups.
At local level the unions will develop support links between members and
activists including joint workplace and public meetings and joint local
Original release on UNISON UK site: .