Campaign Against The Cuts in Services
Lobby West Dunbartonshire Council - Wed 30 June
Gather from 5pm onwards at Council Offices
Garshake Road, Dumbarton. Bring your banners.
The Trades Unions at West Dunbartonshire Council have been conducting a campaign against cuts in jobs and services over the past period, joining up with community activists with street stalls and public meetings to get the message across. We will be presenting our petition to elected members at the next council meeting.
The budget announced by the Con Dem Government will be a disaster for workers and their families. It is a budget for the rich by the rich making the working class pay for the greed and excess of the banking system. We want our councillors to demand extra resources to maintain jobs and services.
Protests are taking place all over the country. We are not alone and this is a fight we must win.
Join the lobby next Wednesday.
From Tommy Morrison, UNISON West Dunbartonshire branch