Thursday, June 24, 2010

Glasgow culture and leisure staff target strike action on Kelvingrove

Date: 24 June 2010

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum will be the focus of strike action this weekend in the ongoing pay and conditions dispute at Culture and Sport Glasgow.

UNISON, Unite, GMB and BECTU members are targeting the premier Glasgow visitor attraction with a two day strike on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 June.

The popular Glasgow Boys exhibition is currently at Kelvingrove and will be affected by the weekend action.

Brian Smith, Glasgow UNISON branch secretary, said: “This dispute is because Culture and Sport Glasgow is attacking our members’ pay and conditions.

“People from Glasgow, across Scotland and around the world enjoy the culture and leisure facilities in the city.

“We believe they deserve quality services and our ongoing action is to defend these services.”

Trade union membership has risen in Culture and Sport Glasgow since the start of the dispute.

More than 150 workers face a pay cut of up to 10%, due to changes in sports facilities opening hours. Members are also opposing a pay freeze for all other staff and are fighting to protect existing conditions, including public holiday arrangements and overtime rates.

Brian added: “Culture and Sport Glasgow should be focusing on resolving these issues and not wasting thousands of pounds on new signage, paper and uniforms to rebrand as Glasgow Life.”


Notes for Editors:

1. Strikers will be picketing at Kelvingrove from 7am on Saturday and Sunday. UNISON members will be available there for interview.

2. Further targeted action will take place in coming weeks at the People’s Palace, the Gallery of Modern Art and at Scotstoun Stadium, where the UK Super 8 Athletics Championships are being held.

3. Another all out one day strike is also planned if no progress is made with the Culture and Sport management.
