Friday, September 5, 2008

UNISON Scotland set to step up strike action as councils fail to improve pay offer

UNISON Scotland Press Statement
Embargo: For immediate Release
Date: Fri 5 September 2008

UNISON Scotland set to step up strike action as councils fail to improve pay offer

Scotland’s largest council union, UNISON, is stepping up strike action following the failure of local government employers to come up with an improved offer in the current pay dispute.

UNISON Scotland members this afternoon overwhelmingly agreed to a programme of further industrial action over pay at the union’s Local Goverment Conference which took place in Glasgow today (Friday).

Speaking after the conference Stephanie Herd, Chairperson of the UNISON Scotland Local Government Committee said: "This decision today clearly shows the anger our members feel at the employers’ failure to improve their offer, and also the determination of our members to win a fair and just pay settlement. I am confident that the other two trade unions, GMB and Unite will also feel just as strongly.”

Dougie Black, UNISON Scotland Regional Officer and Secretary to the joint trade union negotiating team said: "Today's conference sends a very clear message to the employers. Your failure to improve your offer despite previous commitments given in public to do so will not be tolerated by our members. Taking further industrial action is regrettable, but now unavoidable. We have no alternative given the employers’ behaviour over this.”