Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Aberdeen to host strike rally

Alison LawA rally in Aberdeen has been organised for the union’s local government branches in the North East today (Wed Sep 24). It will be held in the Castlegate from 11.00am to 12 noon. Speakers will include UNISON’s Scottish Organiser John Keggie, and Alison Law, a low-paid UNISON member and Home Carer from Aberdeenshire. Speakers from fellow striking trade unions GMB and Unite have also been invited.

John Keggie, Scottish OrganiserJohn Keggie, UNISON’s Scottish Organiser said “If the employers thought that promising to reconsider their pay offer and then refusing to deliver was a clever tactic, then this next action will show them the error of their ways. Whether this was a piece of sleight-of-hand or the inability of the employers’ reps to agree a new offer, it has backfired badly. All the reports indicate that this has made members much angrier. And this is likely to be demonstrated on the 24th.

“In the event that it becomes needed we now have authorisation for further action after the 24 September. We hope that the employers will make sure we don’t need to take that action, by looking at a settlement which takes account of the subsequent surge of inflation – as they promised after the last strike. But given their track record then, we need to ensure we have further action planned if this doesn’t happen.”

Kate RamsdenKate Ramsden, Branch Chair said, "We very much regret that it has come to this. Our members don't want to strike. They want to be doing what they took their jobs to do and that is delivering services - many vital - to the people of Aberdeenshire. However, they feel enough is enough and that for far too long now, they have accepted below inflation pay increases.

"All we want is a decent settlement and to be treated with respect. We hoped that the employers would see from our action last month that we are very serious and determined about this, but once more they don't seem to be listening."

More info at Aberdeenshire UNISON website

A national march and rally, involving all three trade unions, will also be held in Edinburgh. Click here for details of the Edinburgh Rally.