UNISON Scotland has condemned the Government’s decision to cut 74 highly skilled forensic and fingerprint jobs in Scotland.
Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill announced his plans for the future of Scotland’s forensics services yesterday (Thursday), which will mean a move away from four forensic labs – in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee – to two super-labs, supported by four ‘satellite’ units.
The Scottish Police Services Authority (SPSA) issued an options paper to its staff in July this year outlining possible ways of modernising forensic services in Scotland.
UNISON has consistently argued that the only viable option was to retain services in all four cities.
UNISON’s Regional Organiser Peter Veldon said: “UNISON condemns the loss of 74 highly skilled forensic and fingerprint jobs from the SPSA. The reduction will affect the quality of service in drug analysis in these areas and across Scotland. We would have preferred no job losses at present until decisions are made on the future shape of policing in Scotland and the requirements needed by the new police service on forensic services.
“We would welcome a genuine review in 18 months, but are concerned this is code for a future attempt to cut services in Edinburgh and Aberdeen.”