From STUC, Mon 29 Nov 2010:
"The STUC's 'There is a Better Way Campaign' will be debated in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 2nd December at 5pm. Elaine Smith MSP has tabled a Member’s motion for debate. This has received considerable support.
"Please contact your MSPs (regional and constituency) to urge them to attend the session at Parliament. If your MSPs have not yet signed the Motion, please ask them to do so."
Scottish Parliament Resolution S3M-07227
Elaine Smith (Coatbridge and Chryston) (Scottish Labour):
There Is a Better Way
That the Parliament commends the STUC on the launch of its There is a Better Way campaign; believes that deep, savage and immediate cuts are neither unavoidable nor inevitable and that they would actually threaten economic recovery *across Scotland and in areas such as Coatbridge and Chryston*; further believes that a sensible and sustainable response to the current economic crisis is to promote growth and ensure fairness through creating jobs and protecting services, through fair taxation and a living wage, and *would welcome widespread support for the STUC campaign*.
Supported by: Bill Butler, Dr Bill Wilson, Jackie Baillie, Patrick Harvie, Pauline McNeill, John Park, Patricia Ferguson, Marlyn Glen, Rt Hon George Foulkes, Rhona Brankin, Bill Kidd, Cathy Jamieson, Mary Mulligan, Mr Frank McAveety, Ken Macintosh, Michael McMahon, Bob Doris, Sandra White, Sarah Boyack, Karen Whitefield, Dr Elaine Murray, Charlie Gordon, Rhoda Grant, Des McNulty, David Whitton, James Kelly, Cathy Peattie, Malcolm Chisholm, Brian Adam, Jamie Hepburn, Maureen Watt, Hugh Henry, Linda Fabiani, Stuart McMillan, Joe FitzPatrick, Marilyn Livingstone, Dave Thompson, Robin Harper
You can find your MSPs here:
You could also supply your MSPs with additional information about the impact of public spending cuts locally and in your industry, and encourage them to raise particular points in the debate on Thursday in the Parliament.
In the Member’s parliamentary debate there is no vote taken, but a Scottish Government Minister will respond to points raised in the discussion.
Please also encourage your members to come along and fill the public gallery. This will help raise the profile of the campaign and highlight the concerns of many groups and trade unions in Scotland.
Details for Visitor tickets to the Parliament :
Ann Henderson
Assistant Secretary
Mobile: 07875 208167