UNISON has expressed its anger at the City of Edinburgh Council’s announcement today to cut a further 16 million with 300 jobs to go. It has called for an emergency meeting with the council today.
John Stevenson, Branch President, said: “UNISON is angry for three reasons. Firstly to hear about these cuts through the media is a disgrace. Only yesterday union negotiators met the council leader Jenny Dawe and no mention was made of these cuts.
“Secondly, despite what the council’s press release says, unions were not being briefed on these unnecessary cuts.
“And thirdly, we are not convinced by the crocodile tears of the council leader. It is her coalition government that is forcing through cuts that the economists who actually predicted the crisis say are not needed and will put the economy into an even bigger mess. These cuts have nothing to do with the deficit, they are purely and simply an ideological attack on public services and the people who rely on them”.
Our members have delivered up to £90m in savings in the last four years. They have helped the council win award after award including being shortlisted for ‘council of the year’. This is a disgraceful way to treat them.