July 29
UNISON Scottish Organiser Glyn Hawker today argued on BBC Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland programme that there is an alternative to the current cuts and privatisation agenda.
Speaking in advance of today's Independend Budget Review report, she said: "There is an alternative. We don't need to be making these cuts.
"The alternatives are about generating income, about making sure we collect the tax currently not being collected, that we look at those people who do have more making a bigger contribution rather than taking away from those at the bottom end."
The so-called Tax Payers Alliance were also interviewed. UNISON has highlighted the fact that the TPA is an unrepresentative right wing body keen to promote massive cuts in public sector spending. UNISON is a democratic organisation made up of tax payers and could make far more claim to the name. The TPA is made up of right wing ideologues and non-dom millionaires.
For some interesting facts about the TPA, check out the website of The Other Taxpayers Alliance. www.taxpayersalliance.org/
Listen to Good Morning Scotland here The interview starts at about 1 hour 9 mins into the recording.