Date: Wednesday 20 January 2010
Health union UNISON Scotland has criticised a report published by the Nuffield Trust which claims that the NHS in Scotland is underperforming in comparison with England.
Glyn Hawker, UNISON Scottish Organiser said:
"It sounds like this report has started from the wrong premise. It is precisely because Scotland has high levels of poor health, larger areas of health disadvantage and more challenging geography that spending is higher here.
"And to suggest that spending on the NHS is likely to tackle the root causes of ill-health is fanciful. As research and many reports have pointed out – ill-health inequalities will only be tackled by providing safe and healthy work, and well-funded public services that can guarantee decent lives for all – including housing and a safe environment. Fundamentally we need to address growing social and economic inequalities.
"We would also question what 'crude productivity for hospital doctors and nurses' means. If it is only to do with 'inpatient admissions' or waiting list reductions, then that would call into question the methodology behind this report. While they may increase numbers of sick people processed, they won’t necessarily tackle poor health."
Click here to read further comments on Nuffield Trust report by John Gallacher, Secretary of UNISON Scotland Health Committee