From Inverness - Anti BNP leafletting for Union Friday 15 May 2009 - Hope not Hate |
UNISON members and supporters along with the STUC and other unions were out in force across Scotland today with the message: "Stop the BNP - use your vote against the fascists in the European elections on 4 June."
The Scottish campaign was part of Hope not Hate's UNION Friday, and included lunchtime street stalls in Inverness (pictured above), Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen and Kilmarnock. PCS union activists also leafletted rail stations in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Kirkcaldy. The STUC Black Workers Committee and supporters are currently leafletting commuters at Glasgow Queen Street station as we write.
Great response from people in the street and at least in Glasgow city centre campaigners faced down a couple of vile BNP leafletters who quit in short order.
No Pasaran!
More on the UNISON Scotland website and at the Hope Not Hate site.