Edinburgh and East: a "handy success" on the picket lines
Report: 9:15am

UNISON Scotland Regional Organiser Dougie Black reports "a handy success" from the Fairmilehead site in Edinburgh. There have been pickets on each gate and not much sign of anyone crossing in to work.

"Quite a quite a few turned away when they saw the pickets, and some contractors and the mail did not cross," Dougie told the blog.
Also in the East, the Livingston picket has been well supported this morning and the site was so quiet it appeared to be shut completely.
Aberdeen and Dundee: "very, very successful"
Update: 10:30am
Scottish Water Branch Chair Dave Wilkins was on the picket line at Kingshill House. Dave reports that the only people going in were the occasional consultant and contractor. He counted only 4 direct Scottish Water employees at work and the car park was virtually empty.
Branch Secretary Steve Scott also reports that Bullion House in Dundee have been successsfully picketed.
Picture update 13:00 - pics from Aberdeen this morning:
Looks like more people were on picket duty...
...than on work duty!
Further picture update - Dumfries and Fort William
There were many places around Scotland where the strike was unfolding and pickets were active...
from the Highlands like these stalwarts in Fort William....
...to the South of Scotland, and this happy bunch of activists in Dumfries, the message from UNISON and the ther unions was: Cut My Pay - No Way!