Sent: 20 August 2008 11:05
To: Bartter, Chris
Subject: Aberdeen
Hi Chris
Just thought I’d let you know that the trailer was a huge success – it’s now on its way to the rally at Inverurie. The Press & Journal & also the BBC were at Woodhill House – so got some good coverage. There were also photos taken by a news agency outside Aberdeen Sheriff Court – so no doubt some of them will appear in the press. Lynne has the camera & will be forwarding on photos when she gets back from the rally.
The Regional Communication Centre at Woodhill House was completely closed – this call centre covers : Community Alarms, Out of Hours Street Lighting, Emergency Planning, Environmental Health, Homelessness, Fire & Intruder Alarms, Fire Alarms, non-housing repairs and many other emergency functions for the following councils:
Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Moray & Highland.
By the way the driver of the trailer Martin deserves a medal for reversing all 40ft of van and trailer up a very narrow street.
Sandra Craib
Assistant Admin
More pictures from around Scotland are being added throughout the day.
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Pics copyright UNISON Scotland unless otherwise credited. For media enquiries about photographs, please contact Communications Officer Chris Bartter on 0771 558 3729