Wednesday, August 11, 2010

UNISON's public services conference: 'There is an alternative.' Sat 4 Sept


Date: Wednesday 11 August 2010

UNISON Scotland today announced a major conference to develop its public services campaign in the face of devastating cuts.

On the day yet another council* revealed it expects to cut hundreds of jobs, UNISON said its members will be planning how best to stand up for services across Scotland.

Scottish Organiser Glyn Hawker said: “We are facing a savage attack on public spending that will have a huge impact on services so many people rely on daily.

“Our argument is that there is an alternative to this and we should be talking about the kind of society we want and how quality public services can be afforded.

“The impact of the kind of cuts currently being talked about will be devastating for communities and local economies across Scotland.

“Our conference is important in bringing together our members with other trade unionists and community groups to share experiences of where services are under attack and to plan the next steps in our ‘Public Works’ campaign.”

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis and STUC Assistant Secretary Stephen Boyd will speak at the ‘There is an alternative’ strategy conference on 4 September in Glasgow.

Conference workshops will look at how fair taxation and a Living Wage can support services and at the alternatives to major cuts and job losses.

The conference is one of a series of autumn union events including a European Trade Union Confederation Day of Action in September and an STUC demonstration in October.


Notes for editors:

Details of the ‘There is an Alternative’ conference are on UNISON Scotland’s website at 
