Monday, June 21, 2010

UNISON consults members over "unacceptable" council pay offer

Date: Mon 21 June 2010

UNISON has today (Monday 21 June) started to ballot all members that work for Scotland's councils on acceptance or rejection of the pay offer made by the employers.

The offer made is a 3 year deal of 1% in the first year, 0% in the second and 0.5% in the third. UNISON and the other main unions are recommending that the offer be rejected as it is effectively a three year pay cut.

Dougie Black, UNISON's lead negotiator said:
"A three year deal is simply not acceptable. This is effectively a three year pay cut, as prices continue to rise. Our claim was for a single year deal in line with the Scottish Government’s pay strategy for other public bodies.

"At a time when chief officials in local authorities are getting 2.5% and teachers 2.4%, the attempt to tie many of the lowest paid public sector workers, who deliver essential front line services into a 3 year deal worth 1.5% cannot be justified."

Stephanie Herd, chair of UNISON's Scottish Local Government Committee said:
"I would urge the employers to return to the table and renegotiate this offer. It is not acceptable to continue to slash budgets and expect the lowest paid to fill the gap or bear the brunt.

"Nor is it acceptable for these members to have to face a three year pay cut to satisfy political expediency due to Scottish Parliament elections taking place in 2011 and Local Government elections in 2012."

UNISON's consultative ballot will run from today 21 June 2010 and close at midday on 29 July 2010.


Notes for editors:
1. Three unions make up the trade union side of the Scottish Joint Council: UNISON, Unite, GMB
2. Both Unite and GMB will conduct their own consultative arrangements over a similar timescale.
3. UNISON represents around 100,000 Scottish Council staff
